Sunday, April 12, 2009

Chocolate Bunnies and Jellybeans

This past week was a whirlwind of excitement for the girls. Spring break brought a snowstorm and the girls were so sad, they drowned their sorrows in egg coloring! Their luck took a turn for the better when Demi, Kali's South African friend from Slovenia, made a surprise trip to Akron. Kali was over the moon! We went out to eat, had an impromptu sleepover and went to Highland Theater to see a movie. As it turns out, Demi dances in a children's ballet company in Ljubljana. Of course, that meant a trip to Stage Center. Kali had to get fit for new pointe shoes, anyways. Adding that to a sleepover at Aunt Marie's and Easter; it made for a very busy week for Miss Kali. This week was also Peyton's Spring break, she got a trip to Build A Bear and a new Hello Kitty. As you can see, she was tickled brown and pink to see the Easter Bunny. She asked him for a giant chocolate bunny and jellybeans - easy for the rabbit to deliver! She got to "drive" a tractor at The Barn, took a hike with her sister and participated in 3 egg hunts.
Easter Sunday was a wonderful day. Besides the chocolate overload we experienced on account of Kali and I both gave it up for Lent. We spent the day with my family. My Grandma seemed to enjoy the company. We are very blessed, in every way that matters. Our lives are full of love, what more could you ask for?