Sunday, June 29, 2008

Because it's June - June, June, June

The 1st month of vacation just flew by. Father's Day was wonderful. Jimmy worked a double shift the night before, so he got home at 7 am that morning. The girls let him sleep, made him breakfast in bed and could barely wait for him to open his present- an outdoor George Foreman Grill with an iPod hookup and built in speakers. Keeping with the grillin' theme we took him out to brunch for an all-you-can-eat BBQ buffet. It was a blast!

Peyton is taking swimming lessons every day and she is doing great. Kali had an awesome time at the Creative Challenge Camp. Her favorite activity was frog dissection!!!! Maybe medical school is in her future. Peyton went to Kinderealm to learn about moths - hence the "bug eyes." Then she spent her mornings last week at Leo's Ark Summer Camp. She made her very 1st tie dyed t-shirt and she learned all about animals. Her favorite? You guessed it - the king snake.

We dropped Kali off at Camp Christopher last Sunday in the middle of a tornado warning. It stormed the entire week she was at camp, we were so worried about her. But, of course when we picked her up yesterday she was all smiles!! It took us two days to clean all the mud off of everything. Her 1st overnight camp was a huge success! She is already talking about going for multiple weeks next summer!?!?

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Summer is off to a hot and sticky start! We aren't complaining, mind you. Peyton started her swim lessons and is doing a stellar job. She jumps off the diving board all by herself!!! She also learned how to tie her shoe this week. Yeah, Peyton!!! That means that she is officially a "big girl." Kali is busy getting ready for her Tae Kwon Do color belt test - purple, I think. Add that to ballet and tap classes and her 1st week of vacation was full of fun. Next week she will be doing the Creative Challenge camp at Miller South (her new school) every day from 8:30 - 2:30. She's really excited. The following week she will be at her 1st ever CYO overnight camp. She's already packed and ready to go. I went to Camp Christopher overnight when I was little and have very fond memories of it. I hope Kali has the same positive experiences that I did. We will miss her, though.
We spent a glorious Saturday afternoon in Cleveland. University Circle had the "Parade the Circle" festival and both kids thought it was awesome. They watched the parade, made some rain sticks and played in the Art Museum fountain. We capped the adventure off in Coventry at bd's Mongolian Barbeque. Yummy! What a great summer afternoon!