Sunday, April 27, 2008

Spring is in the air!

Peyton is having a great time this April. She was truly suffering from cabin fever. The weather is improving and so is her mood. We have been spending alot of time at the park, obviously Jimmy is enjoying that, too. Her preschool class had their field at the Akron zoo and we all had a blast.

Tae Kwon Do has just taken the final turn toward the coveted Black Belt. Kali earned her navy blue belt last week and her training is serious now. Only 4 more color belt tests before the "big one." She can't wait. Her Korean vocabulary is really expanding, not sure what she'll do with that knowledge - she's happy just to learn.

Our sweet cat, Jasmine, is 15 now.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Kali's back in the 4.0 game

Jimmy is happy to have his 3 week 3rd grade basketball clinic behind him. As you can see, it was a success - no matter what he says. This was Kali's 1st adventure in basketball and the general consensus is that she looks like a dancer playing ball. If I had a dime for every time I heard that growing up. She did had fun with her Daddy and her friends, but I'm still holding out for tennis. Kali's phys.ed. teacher is pushing for track or golf. I say she has been bitten by the Broadway bug and there's no looking back. Time will tell. I'm hoping that her grades will carry her through college without expense, not sports. After surviving a 3.971 because of the dreaded A- last semester, Kali is back in a "big" star on the board with a 4.0! Life is grand for Wee-Wee. On a sad note, we are dealing with the imminent loss of two special people in Jimmy's life. His Grandma had open heart surgery last week and is not recovering well, please keep her in your prayers. And our neighbor, who happens to be Jimmy's best friends' mom, Jackie, is losing her battle with a brain tumor. Please keep Tom in your prayers, too. It is hard to watch his Mom fade. Life is so fragile, we have to learn to enjoy every day we are given to the fullest. Right now JO is in Arkansas with his family for a few days, please keep them in your thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.
The girls with their great-grandma, Izola Aug. 2007