Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow !!!!

The Groundhog was not joking when he predicted 6 more weeks of winter!!!! Kali took some time off from homework, ballet and tae kwon to do some sled riding. Our sweet little Peyton spent about 30 minutes in the artic temperatures carrying firewood to our door. What an angel !?!?
I think we'll be roasting marshmallows tonight.

It's beginning to look a lot like ..... Easter !?!?

Nothing like a February snowstorm to put us in the mood for Spring. Kali had a snow day and spent the day reading in front of the fireplace. Jimmy shoveled the driveway 3 times in 9 hours. Of course, he should of dressed for it. Maybe using the "big boy" snow shovel would of made it more effective. Snow is still up to our knees, but it was back to school today. Maybe we'll do some sledding this afternoon. It is just beautiful outside, even if it is only 16 degrees Fahrenheit. Our backyard looks like a winter wonderland. My kids spent quite a bit of time looking out the windows at their own "Narnia".

Sunday, February 17, 2008

A Star is Born

Kali and Doug Caldwell
Kali receiving her scholarship
This weekend found Kali and her Mommy dancing in downtown Cleveland with Mr. Joe Tremaine. 2 days of nothing but dance, dance, dance. We went with her friend, Gwen, and Wendy, her mom. A great time was had by all. Kali's 1st ever classes with Joe & Co. were very exciting, then it was dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe. The girls spent quite a bit of time in the hotel pool and then topped the evening off with a room service "midnight" snack. This morning, at the ungodly hour of 8 am, the girls had a scholarship audition. Much to my surprise (and delight) Kali made it to the finals. Fast forward about 6 hours & 4 classes and Miss Kali Marie was the proud winner of a Tremaine dance scholarship !!!!! That's my girl, I must say I was overwhelmed with pride. She really loves to dance, and now that she's caught the "Tremaine" bug - Hollywood here she comes........

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Peyton's Headache

Kali is going strong with her Tae Kwon Do - next week she will test for her blue belt. While she was practicing her nunchucks, Peyton tried to get the hang of them.
Here are the results - it's hilarious.