Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Row, row, row your boat.....

We spent a relaxing Sunday morning canoeing down the Tuscarawrus River. It was the 1st canoe experience for both kids - they seemed to enjoy it. Especially the pit stops on the tiny islands in the river to look for crayfish. My kids truly love nature!?!? After a quick picnic, Jimmy and the girls spent some time fishing. I had a date with my new Oprah magazine, no fishing for me! Yes, Kali caught her own fish and yes, that is a handful of worms!!!!!

There's No Business Like Show Business

Kali's 10 day musical theater intensive ended with 2 performances. She worked for 8 1/2 hours a day on the original production called "Off the Page: Feud of the Fablers' Ink!"

For her 1st official foray into the musical theater genre, she did a good job. She was the youngest cast member and held her own, both on and off stage - she even had a couple of lines!!! She has now set her sights on Broadway!?!?!?

Friday, July 13, 2007

Kenyon Jones Dribble and Drive Foundation

Kenyon's Dad, Roy, and Jimmy recording the events for prosperity!Kyree reading the winning numbers for the raffle

Porsha, Kyree and Joli

Well, Jimmy and I survived the 12 hour trip to Savannah, Georgia. We had a very nice weekend, sans children. We were honored to support the foundation set up in our good friend's, Kenyon Jones', memory. It's hard to believe that he's been gone for 2 years. We were so pleased to see his widow, Porsha, and his son, Kyree. Porsha is a close friend and an amazing woman, we are so proud of her. Plus, it was an opportunity to meet up with some basketball friends we haven't seen since the funeral. The free basketball camp that was offered to the kids of inner city Savannah was successful and we are hoping to make it an annual event. Jimmy and I look forward to visiting that beautiful city every summer in Kenyon's name. We were reminded, once again, how fragile life is. We are blessed to wake everyday and enjoy the life God gave us. Jimmy and I marvel at just how blessed we are. Our lovely girls, our 14 year marriage, our many friends and beloved families. Our cup runneth over!Porsha, Joli, Avanti