Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Party Time

Well, the past week has just flown by. We had so much to do to prepare for the big shin-dig. The good news is that it all went smoothly and Kali had a great party. Filled with friends and family, we were able to celebrate Kali's official acceptance of Jesus and her Catholic faith. The day was beautiful, Kali's hair turned out even prettier than the week before and we had plenty of food and drink and fellowship. Peyton had a great time downing little glasses of MavroDaphne while no one was looking. That little girl is trouble.

The big suprise of the day - for me- was the elaborate, chocolate filled birthday party Jimmy and Donna put together for me. Chocolate whipped creme cake, chocolate martini's and Jimmy ~ all the cocoa I'll ever need!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Kali's Big Day

Kali was blessed with a beautiful Spring day full of sunshine for her 1st Holy Communion. Everything fell into place - hair, dress, shoes, etc. Kali said she felt "special" and special she was. We went to get her hair done (it was beyond my abilities) and she was so happy with her "up do." All our family and friends were in church to support her and we had a great luncheon afterward. We were all pleased to have my Grandma in attendance, she was so proud of Kali.
Of course, reality set in quickly. After lunch it was straight to the studio for an evening full of rehearsals! Next weekend is the big party! Kali can't wait!