Wednesday, January 24, 2007

And the winner of the Resnik Pride Award is.......

We are so proud of our little scholar. No matter what obstacles she faces in life, she always puts her very best foot forward.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Magic Of Wishes...Princess Wishes

The Princesses Oliver spent a magical evening at Disney On Ice - Princess Wishes. It was so enthralling that Miss Peyton was glued - yes, I mean still, not moving - to her chair for 2 hours! She cried when it was over, she wanted to watch it again. Notice the cotton candy - candy floss for my European friends - all over Peyton's mouth. Even all that refined sugar could not break the spell that the skaters cast on her.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

A Dinosaur Named Sue

Well, the very mild winter here in Ohio has interfered with all of our skiing, sledding and ice skating plans. So we headed to the Cleveland Museum of Natural History to visit with a T-Rex named Sue. Kali brought a friend and we met other friends there, so it was a big fossil party. We started the day at the Planetarium, which was a big hit with all the kids, and ended the visit eye to eye with the Tyrant! It was a great trip! We had to follow it up with an afternoon at the theater to see "Night at the Museum" - both girls loved it! Kali will head back to school on Monday and I will start the de-Christmas process. Can't believe it is 2007!