Tuesday, December 26, 2006

From Our Family to Yours

Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year! We hope Santa was good to you! We had Jimmy home for a few days - that was the best gift of all!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Our Nutcracker with an Attitude

Well, our performances are coming to a close. Kali did a wonderful job as a Russian Hoop Dancer. Her one handed cartwheel executed while holding her hoop was stellar! The theater was full, smiles were a plenty and our twist on the traditional Nutcracker was well received. Peyton was very excited to see her sister and her Mom on stage. Thank God it's over. Both girls are starting to dream of Christmas Sugarplums and are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Jimmy on Thursday and Santa on Monday. Kali has one more performance on Wednesday morning for the homeless of Akron and then The Nutcracker with an Attitude is a wrap. Peyton has visited Santa twice and has high hopes for Christmas morning. The second trip to the "big man" did bring some reality with it. Kris Kringle told Peyton she had to clean up her toys everyday and stop splashing water in the bathtub - maybe he CAN see everything they do! The look on Peyton's face was priceless. It was more effective than threats of Jack Frost.
Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

All Dressed Up

Before Jimmy left for Greece we managed time to snap a family portrait. Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Our Sweet Angel Boy


It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas......

Well, the holidays are upon us and we are up to our elf ears in rehearsals, performances and yuletide fun. Thanksgiving was uneventful - the 1st holiday without my Mom was a bit trying for everyone, especially my Grandma. But, since we are dancing maniacs, we had very little time to dwell on it. So far, the performances are going well. Kali will be performing on Saturday and on Wednesday. Then it's HO,HO,H-over. As you can see, Jimmy was here to put up the tree and kick off the Christmas season. The kids had a great time. I am having just a terrible end of 2006. I lost my beloved cat, Bonehead, 2 weeks ago and I am still trying to come to terms with that. He was my very best friend and was always at my side. I know I was absolutely blessed to have such an incredible animal in my life for 15 years and I do find some comfort in that. Losing my Mom and my best friend in a matter of a month has definitely taken the wind out of my sails. Bless Kali's heart, not a day goes by that she doesn't give me a hug or write me a letter about my losses. She is grieving for her Grandma and for her pet, as well, but never misses a chance to console me. She is one special little girl. It looks like Jimmy may be leaving for Patras, Greece soon. He is ready to start playing, but we have really enjoyed him being home. I'll keep you posted. Check back next week for pictures of Kali and the Nutcracker!!!