Thursday, August 31, 2006

Back to School Blues

Well, it's official, Kali will be in school here this year. She started 2nd grade yesterday. She is excited, I was a little sad to see the summer end. We had a fantastic 3 months! Kali seems to like riding the bus, even though I think she is on there way too long! I'd prefer to take her in the morning and pick her up in the afternoon. Oh well, it's only for 3 months. The new school building will be finished in December and they will move over Christmas break. Kali is really excited about being part of the 1st group of kids in the brand new school. Miss Peyton reached a milestone yesterday, as well. She took her 1st dance class!!! She had a great time! Next week she starts Story Time at the library and the following week she begins another session of Kindermusik! We are going to be busy this fall!

A little bit of Africa in Sandusky, Ohio

Jimmy and I took the girls to Kalahari, an indoor waterpark/resort, for a last summer "Hurrah." We had a great time! Kali is really starting to enjoy playing in the water and Peyton is a kamikaze! She was on every water slide Jimmy could talk them into letting her ride!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Butterfly Magic

The summer is quickly fading and we are trying to make the best of the last few days of Kali's freedom. A trip to Cleveland's Zoo proved to be a bunch of fun! A day full of playful polar bears, hungry sting-rays and beautiful butterflies! The girls love going to the zoo, our membership got quite a workout this year. Kali's favorite part of this trip was the TOUCH! exhibit. She was able to pet sting-rays and sharks! The sharks circling the pool made her a little nervous, but she plunged her arms in and had a wonderful experience. Peyton's favorite animals were the reindeer. She insisted on looking for Santa, but couldn't find him. Go figure, August in Ohio, is it any wonder why Santa was a no show!?!?!?

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Lazy Days of Summer

As Kali was cooking her heart out at The Loretta Paganini School of Cooking, Peyton spent a day feeding the animals at the Akron Zoo and she enjoyed an afternoon at Chuck E. Cheese. We have had a GREAT summer and we are looking forward to a couple more days of excitement before we settle into our Autumn schedule.
Bonehead and Jasmine are getting old and these days they just seem to lay around the house and sleep. I managed to catch them with their eyes open! Our sweet cats!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Working at the Car Wash.....

Jimmy spent a beautiful summer evening washing his beloved GMC Cyclone. The girls had to be content washing their wagon! Summertime in Akron! Ain't life grand!?!

A Lobster Feast

This year Jimmy got a great birthday present from his darling wife - A Lobster Gram. Today we had 4 live lobsters delivered from Maine. Kali and Peyton thought they were pretty "cute," and unfortunately, they bonded. Kali shed some tears when she realized we were going to eat them! She got over it soon enough and donned a "chef" hat and joined Daddy at the grill. This past week she was in "Cooking School" and we all ate some Hawiian Sweet Bread she made as an appetizer. Kali set a stellar table - complete with lobster "gems," lobster buckets and of course, champagne for kids - sparkling grape juice. Life is good for the Oliver's this summer!