Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Ljubljana, here we come!!!!!

Life is crazy sometimes. Never, ever, under any circumstances, say "Never." The Oliver women will be returning to Slovenia!!!! Peyton and Snickerdoodle will be reunited on March 1st! Jimmy has decided he can "take one for the team" and finish out the year. He's always been one to fulfill his obligations, so really, this development doesn't surprise me. Kali likes her school and the educational consistency will do her a world of good! As you can see, Peyton loves her bunny and will be more than happy to spend 3 more months with him. I have the Thai massage place on the corner to see me through to May 23rd!!! Not that I'm counting the days or anything!!! I'm still basking in the "glow" of Akron, Ohio!?!?! There is no better feeling than being in your home, sleeping in your bed and cooking in your kitchen! It's the little things I miss most when we are in Europe. Of course, I have to run - so many people to see, so little time to see them! Kali has to go to ballet class, after her tennis lesson today! Life just keeps barreling along! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

As I sit in a quiet apartment in the outskirts of Ljubljana, Slovenia, I am wondering if I will ever be in this chair again. The girls and I will be on our way home to Akron early tomorrow morning to visit and await news on where Jimmy will finish the season. My emotions on the departure are mixed, I feel so bad for Kali - she loves her school and her friends here. At the same time, Jimmy is miserable playing on this team and is dog tired - mentally, more than physically. Peyton and I are into our well established routine of the last 5 months and find some comfort in the familiarity of it all, even if we don't like the city much. So, the thought of never coming back here is not as pleasant as I expected it would be. Of course, it is never easy to leave Jimmy behind, even if it's only for a couple of weeks. All three of us are pretty attached to him ;) Hopefully, we will only be separated for a little while.

Jimmy gave me an early Valentine's Day present yesterday - a long Thai massage! Just what I needed to get me prepared for the trip. I will definitely miss the Thai massage place on the corner of our street. That is a wonderful place! It will be just about the only thing I will truly miss about this city!